High Strangeness

High Strangeness
Experiencer: Deborah Kane
Date: July 3, 2016 4:00 p.m.
Place: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
“High Strangeness” events are not “High Craziness” events. Usually they involve a small incident that causes a person to give their head a shake and doubt their senses. Small items might appear, disappear, or move to another place. For instance, that winter scarf you knew you’d put away for the summer might appear in the barn in January. It’s nothing Earth-shattering, and no reporter would lift an eyebrow.
It’s tempting to file such experiences under “trash”, but small events can have enormous implications.
Following is my latest High Strangeness event:
The television I use as a writing monitor sits above a gas fireplace which is in a corner of my living room. One day while I was working on my writing, my laptop was, as usual, open on a small table less than thirty-five centimetres below the television. I was on a couch with a remote keyboard on my lap.
I was translating Spanish lessons on-line and feeling quite productive when the monitor went black. I waited a few seconds before realizing the website wasn’t coming back up. The monitor flashed the HDMI logo on the upper right like it does when it’s powered, but the computer is off. That was odd. Had my computer died?
As I scanned the monitor and laptop, I was shocked to realize . . . The laptop was closed!
Now, laptops are designed to stay open. It takes force to push them closed. Mine could never have just fallen shut. It’s a seventeen-inch monitor with stiff hinges. But there it was. One instant the laptop was open and functioning, and the next it was closed. Like an electron jumping from one orbit to another, it hadn’t crossed the intervening space.
With a sense of disbelief, I set the keyboard aside and got up. The lights along the edge of the laptop were still on, so it was powered. I opened it, and the television monitor sprang to life.
The first thing I do when these types of events happen is look for a normal explanation. Maybe I’d missed something or misunderstood. I hadn’t moved from the couch when the screen went black, so I hadn’t touched it. If there’s some obscure command that orders the monitor to close, I’ve never heard of it, and again, I’d have noticed movement if the laptop had closed.
Most people go to ridiculous lengths to explain such events— but it was impossible this time. I was wide awake and typing when the laptop was suddenly closed without having moved. There’s no normal explanation no matter how far I stretch it. If it was a mental event, I wouldn’t have had to get up to open the laptop to resume my studies. I’m short on hypotheses and open to suggestions that don’t involve swamp gas.
As I stated at the beginning, high strangeness events can be small and easy to over-look, but by filtering them from our awareness and memories, we could be ignoring significant clues about the operation of the Matrix in which we live.
In the past, I’ve been reticent to share my paranormal experiences outside of close family and friends. There have been so many, I was concerned someone might lock me up.
Regardless, it’s past time for this to be in the open. What people do with it is up to them. I’d prefer not to tell anyone ever, but I’m not writing this for everyone. It’s for those who want and need to know. Perhaps it will help someone who’s dealing with similar stuff, and a bigger database of material can only be of benefit to us all. As an independent researcher, I prefer to work alone, but as I’ve depended upon the writings and work of countless others, it’s time for me to add my small piece to the puzzle. The loss of anonymity will have been worthwhile if my work is of benefit to someone else.
Recognizing that “High Strangeness” events are real will help us identify what causes them.