Chlorophyl for Chicken Pox and Shingles

Do you really have to suffer from the itching and burning of chicken pox and shingles?
Below are true stories from my own experience.
In the early 1990s my daughters contracted chicken pox, and my youngest was covered with them. Of course, they itched something terrible, and it was driving her crazy.
All my life I’ve had paranormal experiences, including sporadic communication with an “intelligence” that seems to be able to hear and respond to me – when it feels like it.
One day I stood in my room and said to whoever was out there, “I don’t care if every child since the dawn of time has itched from chicken pox! I want to know how to fix it, and I want to know right goddamned now!!”
As soon as I’d finished my demand, I saw a bottle of chlorophyl flashing in my inner sight. It flashed a few times, enough to know I hadn’t made it up, because I had no idea what chlorophyl could have to do with chicken pox.
Shaking my head with doubt, I went to the fridge where I had a small bottle of concentrated chlorophyl. I didn’t see how it could possibly help, but that seemed to be my answer, so I diluted some into two half-glasses of water and had my daughters drink it. I knew it wouldn’t hurt them as it would be like drinking a salad, so I wasn’t concerned.
Surprise, surprise! Not more than an hour later I asked them if they were still itching. To my shock, they both said no; they felt fine. They didn’t itch at all. I continued to give them one or two half-glasses of chlorophyl a day until their chicken pox was gone, and they never itched from it again.
Needless to say, I said “thank you” to whoever supplied the information. To this day, I don’t know who answered me. It’s just one of the ongoing mysteries of my life – but I am grateful.
Fast-forward thirty years. A couple of months ago I developed shingles. Knowing it was the same virus as chicken pox, I wondered if chlorophyl would help, so I started drinking a strong mixture.
I had a huge weeping sore on my shoulder covered in little blisters. When I got the diagnosis confirmed by my doctor, I asked him if it was supposed to itch and burn. He said that of course; it made people miserable.
I told him that I was drinking chlorophyl (mixed in water) and that I’d experienced no itching or burning – NONE. Which surprised him, I imagine. I told him the story of my girls and how I’d discovered chlorophyl.
Now, chlorophyl didn’t cure chicken pox, nor did it cure shingles, but it stopped the itching and burning 100%. I drank chlorophyl daily during the time I had an open wound from shingles, and I’d forget it was even there. I wore a sleeveless shirt at home during the day because clothing rubbing on the raw wound was irritating. Occasionally I’d glance in a mirror and shudder at the sight of my shoulder. I still have reddish marks on my shoulder, but the shingles have pretty well gone.
I’ve tried to find reference to this on the internet but without success, so I decided to write this down for others to consider. This solution came “out of the ether,” and it worked for me and a few children years ago. I was able to tell some of the local parents when chicken pox came through, and they all said the same thing: Their kids did not itch while they drank chlorophyl.
Since chlorophyl is simply the green stuff in plants, it has no downside. I’d love it if some actual scientists investigated, because who knows how it works and what else could it help? But I’m not holding my breath. Universities and pharmaceutical companies are all about making money, and there’s no money in this. Chlorophyl is inexpensive and can be purchased at any health food store.
Please note: I’m not a health professional, and I make no claims. I’m simply stating my experience. Since people suffer terribly from shingles (and I didn’t), I want to put this out there. If it works for you, please pass it on.