My Terrifying UFO Encounters
UFO'; terror; extraterrestrial; horror

By Dianne F.
August 15, 2019
These are true stories.
These encounters were sometime in the 1980s to early 1990s. The first event was an afternoon of brilliant sunshine.
My husband, Sam, and I moved from Saskatchewan to New Mexico after his retirement in the 1970s. At Las Cruces, we had a lovely home with an outdoor swimming pool, and we were favourites with the whole neighbourhood. Cruces in the summer is extremely hot, so we decided to spend the summer in the mountains and bought an old cabin halfway up the mountain. The cabin sat on a ledge about five or six feet away from the edge of a cliff that dropped straight off. We had a steep road going up to the cabin.
One evening, I was relaxing and drinking coffee outside on our balcony that spanned the width of the cabin. I heard a strange noise and couldn’t figure out where it was coming from. All of a sudden, this huge round disk slowly rose up from below until it was about four feet from the front of the deck. It made no sound except a soft intermittent humming as it hovered in front of me: humm…humm…humm…humm.
I was sitting in an armchair, my hands on the arms, and I was too terrified to move. At this point, I knew I was about to die. There was no avoiding it. I could hear my three horses going crazy in their corral.
The bottom part of the ship was huge. The top part was smaller and had a narrow band of windows that encircled it. The top had lights and slowly turned while the bottom remained still. This meant the windows also turned slowly. I looked for movement through the windows but couldn’t make out anything inside even though there was light coming out from them.
I don’t remember how long I sat there not daring to move. My hands gripped the arms of the chair. I pried them off and gave the craft a small wave. Then I slowly returned my hands back to the chair arms. I did this several times very slowly, but there was no response.
All of a sudden, a huge blinding beam of light shot right at me through one of the windows. I can’t remember how long it lasted, but it seemed quite a few seconds before it shut off. My heart was pounding so hard, it made my blouse jump against my chest. I want to clarify that I felt the light hit me in the chest. It wasn’t a normal light. It gave me the sensation of being hit hard physically. It almost knocked the wind from me, and again, I was sure I was going to die.
This ship was huge. The locals that saw it called it a mothership. Even the military people in the area called it a mothership.
I can’t remember how long I sat there in stunned terror. After the light that hit me had shut off, the ship slowly started to move away and eased up the mountain over the trees. The humming stopped, and it was now silent.
It moved quietly up the side of the mountain and settled over our neighbour’s house where it stayed for quite a few minutes. Then it just as quietly moved away and disappeared behind a mountain.
I have no idea how long I sat there, but when I could move, I got up and went to my husband who’d sat in a living room chair the entire time, staring at nothing. When I couldn’t get a response from him, I finally gave up. Still terrified and shaking, I went to bed. I don’t remember if I slept a wink, I was so shaken by the experience.
Our neighbour came over the next morning and asked to check our horses’ feet, which seemed odd. My three horses were deep in the trees and were fine, but most of his prize horse herd had to be destroyed. Their hooves seemed melted, their legs were broken, and their joints horrifically damaged including hips and knees. He told me how they’d gone crazy like mine had while the ship was overhead. It was awful. Most of them had to be shot because they couldn’t walk. He had to destroy at least fifty head of his beautiful horses and lost his ranch because of it. All his money had been invested in his purebred animals.
He was openly crying, and I cried right along with him.
My husband, Sam, had remained seated in a chair in the living room throughout the entire night. He wouldn’t move nor would he answer any questions. The next day when I tried to talk about it, he wouldn’t respond. He seemed to be in a trance and remembered none of it. He didn’t come out of the house when the neighbour arrived to check our horses nor would he talk about the horrific results of the encounter. Now, this was odd behaviour for him. Not coming outside when a neighbour came calling was unheard of. He wouldn’t argue, he just wouldn’t respond when the subject was brought up. I remember that it took a few days for him to regain his normal thinking. Since he still refused to discuss it, I stopped saying anything, and I kept the story quiet for many years. The only person I could talk to about it was our neighbour.
People from the Department of Agriculture came along a day or so after the event to examine my horses. It seems my neighbour wasn’t the only one who’d had livestock so damaged they’d had to be destroyed.
The remembrance of my neighbour’s tragedy and the horror of what happened to all those beautiful horses still brings tears to my eyes.
I experienced a second event that may or may not be connected to my UFO sighting.
My husband and I liked to attend air shows and other public events at Holloman Air Base. I had a strange encounter on one of our visits though.
Sam and I were at an air show and were walking along outdoors. I don’t remember which part of the base we were on when I noticed two little people that I at first thought were kids walking towards me. When they got closer, I thought, “Holy Christmas! Are these kids ever ugly!” They had big round heads with huge bulging black eyes and a tiny slit for a mouth. They had no nose. Then I thought they might be wearing Halloween costumes, but when they got closer, I saw they had long arms, four long skinny fingers, and no thumbs. They were very short, about three feet tall, and were identical to each other. They were a pale whitish colour. I was stunned that nobody except me seemed surprised or bothered by their presence.
I had a camera with me, but I didn’t dare take a picture because I was on a military base. I was afraid someone might notice, and I’d get in trouble, but why weren’t other people freaked out by the strange pair? They didn’t have clothes on, and I don’t remember what they wore on their feet.
Sam never acknowledged the two beings. When I tried to quietly point them out, he just looked at me and didn’t respond. I found his behaviour throughout these events to be odd in the extreme. He wasn’t a man to avoid problems. Sam and I had to move aside to avoid the two beings who walked right by us no more than a few feet away, yet he just stared at me in silence when I tried to bring them to his attention. He went to his grave without ever discussing it.
Because of the common response of ridicule to such stories and my husband’s strange behaviour, I’ve kept these two experiences to myself for decades, but I think it’s time to finally speak out.
Deborah Kane helped me to record these events, and I have authorized her to publish this story on the internet for whoever wants to read it. After decades of hiding them, I am happy to make these true stories public. They were real experiences, and people need to know.
Dianne F.
Alberta, Canada
*Note – Because Dianne is unfamiliar with the UFO world and is a senior, I have kept her last name private.
Deborah Kane